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Booster Club Accomplishments
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Athletic Booster
Here are some recent Booster Club Accomplishments:
2022-2023 Purchases
- Football Field Weed Control/Fertilizer $1500
- HUDL Camera $5000
- Cheerleader Equipment $600
- Softball Equipment $3057
- Baseball Equipment $2622
- Porta Potty Cross Country $570
- Porta Pots for football season $825
- Winter Sports Athletic Posters $344
- Youth basketball $825
- Girls Wrestling Equipment $360
- State cross country meals $30
- State Wrestling (including State Duals) meals $3120
- Track Timing System $4000
- Drake Relay meal $60
- State Track Meals $1710
- Youth baseball mound $1554
- Athletic Banners $2250
- WODD and Plainfield Days Parade Balls $463
- Softball/Baseball Sports Complex $7500
Total $36,686
2020-2021 Purchases
- Football Field Weed Control/Fertilizer $1500
- Volleyball auction to volleyball program $200
- Football auction to football program $275
- Basketball auction to basketball program $475
- Husky Wellness Center Exercise Bike $1600
- Softball Equipment $1600
- Baseball Equipment $2700
- Girls Basketball Camps $758
- Boys Basketball Camps $1033
- Porta pots for football season $375
- State Cross Country meals $175
- State Wrestling meals $300
- Drake Relay meal $25
- State Track meals $1625
- Porta pots for track season $396
- Athletic Banners $2000 Records Boards $8500
- WODD and Plainfield Days Parade Balls $671
- State Track Placement Plaques $300
Total $24508
2019-2020 Purchases
- Football Field Weed Control/Fertilizer $1500
- Volleyball auction to volleyball program $360
- Football auction to football program $131
- Bus Parking Passes for Iowa Game $300
- Basketball auction to basketball program $545
- Basketball ball cart $450
- Baseball Equipment $1019
- Porta pots for football season $750
- State Cross Country meals $50
- State Wrestling meals $375
- Mat Rat Wrestling $4900
- Athletic Trailer $2680
- Athletic Banners $1500
- Trophy Case addition (Future) $6180
- Girls Cross Country MISC $500
- Boys Cross Country MISC $500
- Volleyball MISC $500
- Football MISC $500
- Girls Basketball MISC $500
- Boys Basketball MISC $500
- Wrestling MISC $500
- Girls Track MISC $500
- Boys Track MISC $500
- Girls Golf MISC $500
- Boys Golf MISC $500
- Softball MISC $500
- Baseball MISC $500
- Cheer MISC $500
Total $29,240
2018-2019 Purchases
- Football Field Weed Control/Fertilizer $1500
- Volleyball Auction To Volleyball Program $185
- Football Auction To Football Program $325
- Basketball Auction To Basketball Program $450
- Softball Equipment $1800
- Baseball Equipment $2500
- Football Shoulder Pads And Helmets $13042
- Girls Basketball Summer Camps $670
- Boys Basketball Summer Camps $750
- Porta Pots For Track Season $375
- Porta Pots For Football Season $1113
- State Cross Country Meals $50
- State Wrestling Meals $150
- State Track Meals $2025
- ADP/Weight Room Equipment
- New Popcorn Machine For Football/Track Concessions $1200
- New Lids For Garbage Cans (Football/Track) $1450
- Baseball/Softball Storage Shed $1000
- Girls Cross Country Misc $500
- Boys Cross Country Misc $500
- Volleyball Misc $500
- Football Misc $500
- Girls Basketball Misc $500
- Boys Basketball Misc $500
- Wrestling Misc $500
- Girls Track Misc $500
- Boys Track Misc $500
- Girls Golf Misc $500
- Boys Golf Misc $500
- Softball Misc $500
- Baseball Misc $500
- Cheer Misc $500
Total $35,585
2017-2018 Purchases
- Cross Country Flag = $430
- Darken Red Stripe in Gym = $300
- Football Field Weed Control/Fertilizer $500
- Recumbent bike (50% of cost) = $1480
- Trees and Shrubs for the west end of the football field = $2244
- Husky sign for crow’s nest and conference standings boards for gym = $3000
- Batting Cage and Pitching Mound = $5000
- Basketball auction to girl’s and boy’s teams $750
- Track starting blocks $1150
- Softball Equipment $2000
- Baseball Equipment $1000
- Basketball Practice Jerseys $350
- Boys Basketball Summer camps $750
- Star Shooter Basketball camp $2640
- New Basketballs $1620
- Basketball Cage $320
- Timer for District Track (50% of the cost) $450
- New Wrestling Mat $9500
- Porta pots for track season $567
- Porta pots for football season $950
- State XC meals $125
- State Wrestling meals $400
- State Track meals $1650
Total $36,876
2016-2017 Purchases
- Baseball / Softball Equipment $3330 B
- Basketball Camps / Leagues $1975
- Backboard Elementary Court $625
- Porta-Pots Football Field $320
- Speakers For Rec Center $3115
- Basketball Warmups $450
- State Track Meals $600
- Football Field Irrigation System $12,577
- Painting Np Gym $5400
- Softball Camps $450
- Volleyball $935
- Np Gym Wall Pads $3510
Total $32,287
2014-2015 Purchases
- Football, Baseball, and Softball Scoreboards- $30,000
- Basketball Rebound Machine- $6,500
- Basketball Camps- $3,000
- Softball Equipment- $2,000
- Baseball Equipment- $600
- New Basketballs- $950
- Water Bottles- $75
- Ipad for Filming and Broadcasting Activities- $600
- Football Goal Post- $300
- Mat Rat Wrestling- $6,000
- Wrestling Digital Scale- $750
- State Track Meals- $950
- State Golf Meals- $600
- Gold Cart for Ball Retrieval- $1000
- Track Tent- $1200
- Football Camp- $3000
- Volleyball Camp-$1000
- Volleyball Equipment- $1000
- Football Field Upkeep- $4000
- Football Charter Bus to North Union- $1350
- Cheerleading- $825
- Post-Prom- $575
Total $