Nashua-Plainfield Music Boosters

Husky Music Club Members (as of February 4, 2019)

Mozart ($200+)
Aaron and Chris Bottorff
Nathan and Amy Chester
Mr. and Mrs. Donald LaRue
Dan and Kirsten Levi
Tim and Paige Malven
Scott Stroud

Beethoven ($150)
Elmer and Liz Arends
Liddle-Ebert Farm Drainage
Mark, Amy, and Drew Moine

Chopin ($100)
Bruce and Linda Becker
Butler-Bremer Communications
Dan and Annette Dietz
Bob and Denise Harrington
Dean and Claudia Janssen
Sue Orth
Mary Philips (in memory of Bob Philips)
Pat and Christy Pierce
Gary and Rhonda Poppe
Jeff and Julie Trost
Ron and Jenice Ulrichs

Brahms ($75)

Gershwin ($50)
Dick and Sue Baldwin
Laurie Kristiansen
Plainfield Welding and Repair
Leonard and Darlene Reints

Bach ($25)
Cary and Kris Griffith
Dennis and Roberta Haverkamp
Mike and Kim Jenison
Irene Koob
Joe and Judy Merfeld
Brian and Missy Sinnwell
Beth Waller

Band Uniforms Donation (new band uniforms cost $500 each, but any amount is appreciated)
American Legion, Thompson/Fisher Post 153 ($200)
Elmer and Liz Arends ($150)
Nathan and Amy Chester ($200)
Cary and Kris Griffith ($25)
Dennis and Roberta Haverkamp ($25)
Irene Koob ($15)
Laurie Kristiansen ($50) in memory of Caleb Ulrichs
Scott and Tracy McGregor ($500) in memory of Caleb Ulrichs
Wayne and Janene Miller ($50)
Mark, Amy, and Drew Moine ($100)
Glendora Nicholson ($250)
Sue Orth ($100)
Pederson Plumbing and Heating/Pederson Piano Services ($500)
Gary and Rhonda Poppe ($100)
Leonard and Darlene Reints ($50)
Scott Stroud ($500)
Julie and Jeff Trost ($100) in memory of Caleb Ulrichs
Jeff and Tori Ulrichs ($500)

The N-P Husky Music Club
As cost rise, we are finding it difficult to meet the demands of the ongoing needs of our music programs. That is why we are introducing the N-P Husky Music Club. This club will be for family members, friends, and community businesses that would like to join us in supporting our music students. If you would like to join, please help us out at one of the following annual membership levels:

Any donations of any size are appreciated. Any individual or business donation the $25.00 and above will be listed in all concert programs for the school year as a way of saying thank you. Provide us with your name as you would like it to appear. Please make checks payable to the "N-P Music Boosters" and send to:
N-P Husky Music Club
Tracy McGregor
1065 250th St.
Nashua,IA 50658

The Nashua-Plainfield Huskies pride themselves on excellence in the field of music, whether it be earning a Division "I" rating at contest or performing a concert for family and friends. Please join us in helping them to achieve success in their music while promoting success in their future. Thank you for your support!

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