Middle School/High School
Welcome to Nashua-Plainfield Middle School/High School!
The vision of the Nashua-Plainfield High School is to set high standards for learning and citizenship that embrace individualization, collaboration, and technology in the achievement of skills designed to meet the needs of an ever-changing workplace, community, and society.
At NPHS, we are committed to
- Putting students first.
- Consistently reflect on teaching and learning to make decisions on moving forward.
- Learn and apply the best research-based learning strategies in the classroom.
- Provide new and exciting opportunities and challenges for students.
- Extending learning beyond the classroom by seeking community partnerships.
- Never giving up on students.
The Nashua-Plainfield Middle School will strive to develop an atmosphere that fosters academic excellence and develops students into respectful and accountable citizens.
At NPMS, we are committed to:
- Positive Attitudes
- Timely Feedback
- Empathy – addressing the basic needs of the child
- Being aware of academic needs (special ed accommodations, learning differences)
- Proper lesson planning – goal for what you are teaching and check for relevance
- Model appropriate behavior
- Be consistent – behavior issues, grading, etc.