TLC at Work

Our teacher leaders spent time throughout the summer going to trainings around Iowa and across the country to learn about their new leadership positions and professional learning communities. It will be exciting to see the benefits from these trainings come to light throughout our school year and professional development days!
Student Centered Coaching with Diane Sweeney
AEA 267 in Cedar Falls, Iowa
June 15-16, 2016
The Model Teachers attended Student Centered Coaching with Diane Sweeney. This training helps equip teacher leaders with the foundation, tools, and support needed to effectively impact student achievement throughout a student-centered model. Teacher leaders learn how to implement a student-centered model that increases teacher effectiveness and student achievement by focusing on student outcomes.
ISEA/SAI 3rd Annual Leveraging Teacher Leadership: An Institute For Teacher Leaders and Administrators
Prairie Meadows in Altoona, Iowa
July 13, 2016
The TLC Coordinator attended the ISEA/SAI 3rd Annual Leveraging Teacher Leadership Institute this summer. Sessions included Crucial Conversations by Ron McMillan, Building Teachers’ Capacity For Success; Shifting from a Culture of Compliance To A Culture Of Commitment by Pete Hall and Alisa Simeral, Differentiated Coaching For Teacher Leaders by Alisa Simeral, and Sit & Get Won’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Professional Development Strategies that Engage The Adult Brain by Marcia Tate.
Solution Tree PLC At Work Institute
Orlando, Florida
July 27-30, 2016
The TLC Coordinator and PLC Leaders attended the Solution Tree PLC At Work Institute this summer. The teacher leaders attended sessions about getting a professional learning community started, building consensus and responding to resisters, high-quality professional development, common formative assessments, student engagement strategies, and understanding the PLC process. Presenters included Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Mike Mattos, Tim Brown, Luis Cruz, Matt Devan, Timothy Kanold, Anthony Muhammad, Maria Nielsen Regina Stephans Owens, and Steve Pearce. This institute was very inspirational, educational, and moving. This institute really helped build excitement for the PLC process, harness fears, and geared the team in the right direction for creating our PLC plan for Nashua-Plainfield.
Mentor Matters
AEA 267
Beginning the end of September 2016.
Mentor Matters is a training that offers structures, strategies, and tools for developing expertise in teaching. It provides important guidance on developing an effective relationship between mentors and new teachers focused on student learning and effective classroom practices that promote increased achievement. Our Mentor Teachers, Suzy Turner and Paige Malven attend.
IPI (Instructional Practices Inventory) Training
AEA 267
We now have 20 staff members (TLC leaders and non-leaders) trained in IPI. IPI lets us determine the levels of learning in our classroom in a “snap shot.” Teachers can then use that information to improve on how much high order thinking activities need to be included in future lessons.
TLC Admin Support Program
AEA 267
Mentor Teacher, Suzy Tuner, Model Teacher, Kelli Anderson, PLC Leader, Crystal Moore, TLC Coordinator, Scott Stroud, and the two district principals will attend the TLC Admin Support Program meetings on October 12, January 5, and April 21. These meetings help our team keep its TLC focus, determine our successes and what we need to work on in the future.
Solution Tree Inservice with Tim Brown
Professional Learning Communities: Time That Matters
North Butler School District
The entire teaching staff from Nashua-Plainfield and North Butler schools came together for a day to learn more about professional learning communities. It was a great day of collaboration among our own staff and between our districts. We are truly making a difference for our students!
ISEA/SAI 4th Annual Leveraging Teacher Leadership: An Institute For Teacher Leaders and Administrators
July 12, 2017
The TLC Coordinator and Teacher Leaders attended this one-day session in Des Moines at the Convention Center.
Solution Tree Inservice with Anthony Muhammad
Professional Learning Communities: All Means All
Nashua-Plainfield School District (October 9, 2017)
The entire teaching staff from Nashua-Plainfield, North Butler, and Clarksville came together for a day to learn more about professional learning communities. It was a great day of collaboration among our own staff and between districts. We are tryly making a difference for our students! All means ALL!
Solution Tree PLC At Work Institute
October 23-25 in Des Moines
PLC Leaders and the TLC Coordinator attended the Solution Tree PLC At Work Institute in Des Moines. The teacher leaders attended sessions about getting a professional learning community started, building consensus and responding to resisters, high-quality professional development, common formative assessments, student engagement strategies, and understanding the PLC process.